Show HN: Mapipedia: Platform to show your data on maps and sharing with others

Show HN: Mapipedia: Platform to show your data on maps and sharing with others Mapipedia is a web platform I've created to make it easy for people to share goespatial time series data and display it on animated maps. There's also a social media component that allows you to write comments, follow, share and like data sets. You can also download the CSV data and embed animations into your own websites. I initially posted about Mapipedia in March 2019. I've taken a lot of the feedback on board and done a major overhaul of the site as well adding a lot of new features. I'd appreciate some feedback on overall look and feel (on mobile and desktop - there were problems on mobile previously). However it is best viewed in Chrome on desktops becuase it looks better on larger screens. I've also had some people say the website is blocked but have not been able to figure out why. If you have any thoughts on that it would be appreciated. The site also crashed last time I posted here so I'm wanting to test changes for robustness as well. The main home page is Here are some links to try (press Play to start the animation): (Cook's first voyage sailed him around the world) Thanks for your help! All feedback is appreciated. Cheers David PS Feel free to email me at January 21, 2020 at 06:37AM


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