Show HN: Self-Published Book on “Data Science in Production”
Show HN: Self-Published Book on “Data Science in Production” Hi HN, Over the past 6 months I've been working on a technical book focused on helping aspiring data scientists to get hands-on experience with cloud computing environments using the Python ecosystem. The book is targeted at readers already familiar with libraries such as Pandas and scikit-learn that are looking to build out a portfolio of applied projects. To author the book, I used the Leanpub platform to provide drafts of the text as I completed each chapter. To typeset the book, I used the R bookdown package by Yihui Xie to translate my markdown into a PDF format. I also used Google docs to edit drafts and check for typos. One of the reasons that I wanted to self publish the book was to explore the different marketing platforms available for promoting texts and to get hands on with some of the user acquisition tools that are commonly used in the mobile gaming industry. Here's links to the book, with sample chapters and code listings: - Paperback: - Digital (PDF): - Notebooks and Code: - Sample Chapters: - Chapter Excerpts: Please feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback. January 4, 2020 at 07:25PM
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