Show HN: Jooseph – Playlists for Learning
Show HN: Jooseph – Playlists for Learning Hello HN, Every time I tried to learn new subject through internet. I am confused by the resources. - Which one will worth my time? - which ones are reliable or relevant? Eventually I open infinite amount of tabs and close them without browsing. Finding right material and resource is hard in this era. Yet we believe lifelong learning is a meaningful way to live your life. I'm Firat co-founder of Jooseph: Jooseph is basically playlist for learning. You can follow modules curated from different resources. You can also your learning journey to guide other users. Curate list of resource and share on the relevant topic. If you're an infinite learner, we would like to hear from you. Thank you HN community. February 10, 2020 at 11:56PM
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