Show HN: Security Advice for Regular People

Show HN: Security Advice for Regular People I had the idea to create a dedicated web page containing basic, easy-to-understand digital hygiene advice. So if a friend or relative asks you for advice on securing their digital lives, you can simply give them a link and hopefully they'll share it with their friends too. Hosting is on GitHub pages; just a single, semantic, accessible HTML file. I just made this today, so contributions are welcome, especially right now. I am not a security researcher, so if anyone finds an issue with what I've written in this first draft, or thinks some other point deserves mentioning, please tell me either here or in the form of a GitHub ticket or pull-request. Project goals and contribution guidelines are available in the readme. I'm also thinking about getting a custom domain name for it, but I'm not sure what has the right balance of sounding trustworthy and being available/affordable. So let me know if you have any ideas on that front as well! March 30, 2020 at 02:51AM


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