Show HN: Open-source tool to generate a video from any Wikipedia page

Show HN: Open-source tool to generate a video from any Wikipedia page Hi HN, this is a tool I built for fun two years ago, which I now decided to release as open source. It's a Java program that takes a Wikipedia page as input creates a video narrating the content of the page using a combination of sources for images and videos, plus Amazon Polly for speech synthesis. At the time, I wrote a detailed explanation[1] of how the tool works, if you're interested. The project is not active or currently maintained - I'm just releasing it because a few people requested it to me, and so I thought I might as well post it here! EDIT: Forgot to specify: although, in theory, this works with any Wikipedia page, it might not do so very well (or at all) in a few cases. For example if the input page is very short or it has an ambiguous word which will then not result in good matching images from Pixabay. June 28, 2022 at 03:48PM


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