Show HN: Eleven – Code sandboxes with automatic HTTPS

Show HN: Eleven – Code sandboxes with automatic HTTPS Hey HN, Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create a code sandbox in your cloud provider account easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it to deploy your app, as a remote development environment or even to test some code. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as > Success! The port "8000" is now reachable at: $ curl > Hello World Still learning Go by the way, so I'm open to any suggestions to improve. November 2, 2022 at 07:07PM


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