Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 02:57AM


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