Show HN: ChatGPT-arcana.el, ChatGPT in your Emacs
Show HN: ChatGPT-arcana.el, ChatGPT in your Emacs This is far from complete, and I am far from an elisp genius, but this is an Emacs package to help you write code or text or whatever in your favourite operating system slash text editor. It's got a couple of useful functions like inserting at point with local code context, querying about something and putting the output in a temporary buffer, passing the current major mode to ChatGPT, contextual system prompts, and so on. Some small demos in the readme. Some of you may enjoy the deep magic this might unleash, so I'm posting it here. And feel free to add pull requests if you are a better elisper than I am (a very low bar). (Yes, I have truly hit the HN goldrush here - emacs and ChatGPT in a single post! If only I had written a rust client for it too) March 3, 2023 at 02:32AM
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