Show HN: A collaboration platform for designers and clients (
Show HN: A collaboration platform for designers and clients ( Hey there! I am Kevin, a graphic designer for 12 years. I've had my fair share of communication mishaps and countless modifications. I soon realized that starting off projects with professional survey forms made all the difference in the world! Thanks to these survey forms, my design business flourished, and my clients could truly appreciate the artistry in my work. And now, I want to share that experience with you! dotBRAND is a collaboration platform that's like having a co-pilot by your side, helping you communicate with your clients. At its core, dotBRAND provides professional survey templates to gather all the essential client information, files, and design intentions in one go! Please give me your suggestions/feedbacks on dotBRAND, I would be deeply appreciated!! March 22, 2023 at 06:37AM
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