Show HN: Let your body be the gamepad
Show HN: Let your body be the gamepad Hi HN, I made a keyboard emulator that tracks your body pose and emits the key presses accordingly. My main motivation was to make my kids move more on rainy days. I already made a couple of mini-games using the body pose [1-3], and those were definitely fun to make and play! However, once the kids learned the tricks, they got bored. I could only produce that much content myself, and soon realized that I lack time for churning out games. Finally, I decided to tap into an endless pool of PC games, preferrably simple and less addictive ones like the Gameboy and DOS games. This project has been also inspired by [4], which has been featured on HN recently. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: April 16, 2023 at 11:12PM
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