Show HN: Auto-file bugs to GitHub issues with console logs and network requests Hi HN, my team and I have been working on a new tool to improve how bugs are reported to engineers. I used to be a developer, and I thought it was ridiculous the little amount of bug repro details I would get in JIRA tickets. Then I became a product manager, and I realized how time consuming and tedious it was to write good tickets for developers (and then understood why most tickets lack enough detail!) That’s why my team and I decided to build a browser extension for anyone to create bug reports that auto-include: console logs, network requests, session replay, timestamp, url, browser, OS and device specs, and wifi speed. With this extension, it’s faster than the old-school way to report bugs (a few clicks, plus no switching tabs). And, for the developer receiving the bug reports, it should be faster to debug because all the information is right there. We started with a Chrome extension and soon we’re goi...