
Showing posts from November, 2022

Show HN: Notion Standup – Get daily reports on your tasks on Notion

Show HN: Notion Standup – Get daily reports on your tasks on Notion Notion Standup helps you to receive daily standup reports on email and other channels for your and your team's current and overdue tasks on Notion. Stay updated always with daily reports through email, Slack, Discord, Webhook, Zapier, and Telegram. December 1, 2022 at 05:10AM

Show HN: Basement – a GraphQL API for on-chain Ethereum data

Show HN: Basement – a GraphQL API for on-chain Ethereum data If we want better web3 experiences, developers need better tools. RPC nodes are really good at executing transactions, however they are notoriously cumbersome to set up, and reading large chunks of data is not very efficient: To show a list of transactions and receipts, nodes have to re-execute smart contract code on entire blocks. For every read call. Not great at scale. Which is why everyone is building ETLs to move data from the chain into their own database. This GraphQL API is our first step in allowing developers to spend more time on building product, rather than ETL infrastructure. November 30, 2022 at 02:25PM

Show HN: I built my own minimal PHP framework

Show HN: I built my own minimal PHP framework This is a simple PHP framework I built myself from scratch with minimal dependencies from composer. It has Autowiring DI and some simple routing provided by the Slim router. The code: November 30, 2022 at 11:21AM

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit)

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit) Hey HN! I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for a while and finally "completed" (until next time I try to improve it, that is). The idea is that I wanted my guest wifi password to change frequently, but I also didn't want my guests to hate me every time they came over to visit. Hence be_my_guest was born. Please let me know what you think! November 29, 2022 at 08:01PM

Show HN: Real-World Datasets for Benchmarking Object Detection Models

Show HN: Real-World Datasets for Benchmarking Object Detection Models November 29, 2022 at 06:49PM

Show HN: Daily QRCode

Show HN: Daily QRCode I built, a site which requires(*) scanning a QR Code to discover a different daily link. Hope you enjoy the concept, I have queued up a whole bunch of links I think are interesting. * If you happen to load the site on your phone and can't have your phone scan itself, you can visit the /archive page and simply click on links. It kind of defeats the whole purpose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ November 29, 2022 at 04:43PM

Show HN: A minimal notepad – without the cloud or 3rd party libs

Show HN: A minimal notepad – without the cloud or 3rd party libs I made this tiny notepad website, to write things down in your browser. The Features - Just saves to your browser's localstorage (no cloud or login) - Export to TXT file - Formatting keyboard shortcuts - Works offline - Super fast The Tech - Single HTML file - 20 lines of JS + service worker (for offline usage) - Using pure CSS for modals - Github pages hosting - Basically it's just a "contenteditable div" with some extra features - Source -> It's been done before, but I couldn't find a version I liked, that worked offline too. Which is why I just hacked this little thing together. Plus it's fun to make things. This taught me about offline websites, css hacks to make dialogs, inline favicons, and hacking together a prototype without 500mb of "node_modules". Anyway, hope someone finds this useful too! November 29, 2022 at 02:19PM

Show HN: Python library for embedding large graphs (Written in Rust)

Show HN: Python library for embedding large graphs (Written in Rust) November 29, 2022 at 09:50AM

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories Based on quick extensions to the open source telegram summarization bot I posted a few days ago ( ), you can see for yourself how davinci 002 and 003 compare on the current top HN stories for the same prompt and temperature (0.2). Items that don't have summaries are usually due to a failure to access meaningful url content. November 29, 2022 at 05:11AM

Show HN: Feuille – a fast, simple socket-based pastebin

Show HN: Feuille – a fast, simple socket-based pastebin Should be considered as a usable WiP for now. I still need to tweak and fix some things in my code. I'd love to get some feedback! See < > for my personal feuille instance. Feel free to play around with it :) November 28, 2022 at 07:22PM

Show HN: Using GPT-3 to reply to emails

Show HN: Using GPT-3 to reply to emails November 28, 2022 at 07:09PM

Show HN: Create a festival lineup from your top artists

Show HN: Create a festival lineup from your top artists November 28, 2022 at 03:56PM

Show HN: Phoenix10.1, a Personalized Radio Station

Show HN: Phoenix10.1, a Personalized Radio Station November 28, 2022 at 03:19PM

Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet

Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet I made a browser extension that lets you leave notes on websites. Some features: search by content, add tags, sync, export/import November 27, 2022 at 09:25PM

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 02:56AM

Show HN: Scramble text to slow down your reading

Show HN: Scramble text to slow down your reading November 27, 2022 at 07:01AM

Show HN: ePub Reader + VS Code = Flow

Show HN: ePub Reader + VS Code = Flow November 27, 2022 at 12:37PM

Show HN: A Simple CI/CD Demo of GitHub Actions to EKS

Show HN: A Simple CI/CD Demo of GitHub Actions to EKS November 27, 2022 at 09:33AM

Show HN: footnote - a modern take on Goodreads

Show HN: footnote - a modern take on Goodreads footnote - A modern take on Goodreads November 27, 2022 at 07:22AM

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing Hey HN, this is a small project I created that blurs your browser window whenever you start slouching. I'm sure it can be improved, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone was interested. Links to the github repo [0] and the extension on the Chrome Webstore [1]. I'd love to get some feedback on it. [0] [1] November 27, 2022 at 06:27AM

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 02:57AM

Show HN: Understanding Braids (digital audio synthesis 101)

Show HN: Understanding Braids (digital audio synthesis 101) November 26, 2022 at 11:56AM

Show HN: Primitive tool to record GIFs from terminal commands

Show HN: Primitive tool to record GIFs from terminal commands I've made a primitive tools to record GIF files. There's many tools like this, but I was inspired by VHS[0]. The thing is, VHS requires ffmpeg and chromium to create GIFs and videos, which is a nice approach, but it's too heavy for my taste. Basically, I forked a simple terminal emulator[1] written in plain C and added commands to write output straight to a GIF file[2]. It's stil a WIP pet-project, but I believe it could be usefull for someone, for example, to create animated illustrations for documentation, blog posts and such. [0] [1] [2] November 26, 2022 at 05:04PM

Show HN: I made an API builder for side projects

Show HN: I made an API builder for side projects November 26, 2022 at 08:13AM

Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3

Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3 November 26, 2022 at 03:34AM

Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS

Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS November 26, 2022 at 02:04AM

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML)

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML) Hi everyone, We have just released an open-source case management dashboard for manually approving/rejecting KYC requests (know your customer) with built-in OCR & face-matching functionalities. Next steps: - Enable KYB (business onboarding) documents and personas approval. - Connected backend between our KYC flow and the case management dashboard. - Releasing an open-source rule engine, to help automate decisions. We’d love for you to try it out, give us feedback, and suggest features that would make it applicable to you. And if the rest of the project is relevant or interesting to you, follow us here: and we’ll update you once new things are available. Thanks! November 25, 2022 at 11:14PM

Show HN: A new way to do footnotes

Show HN: A new way to do footnotes November 25, 2022 at 04:29AM

Show HN: AI Charades for Thanksgiving

Show HN: AI Charades for Thanksgiving Hi HN! We just played a charades with Dall-E for Thanksgiving. It was a blast, so I thought I'd share the rules we used in a quick guide! Would love to hear your thoughts! November 25, 2022 at 02:26AM

Show HN: Google Sheets GOOGLEFINANCE() reliability enhancement

Show HN: Google Sheets GOOGLEFINANCE() reliability enhancement Anyone who uses GOOGLEFINANCE() for stock/ETF prices and then logs your total portfolio assets daily (by trigger), knows that it is not 100% reliable. What I wanted was something that would use the last good data point if GOOGLEFINANCE was failing. So I added caching to solve this problem. There is also another issue that GOOGLEFINANCE is particularly bad with Canadian stock symbols. It also does not find stock/etf dividend yields. For this I query a few finance websites to pull in the missing info. Now the problem looking up a couple hundred symbols using =CACHEFINANCE() (my custom function) was the dreaded 'Loading' error, which would also cause asset tracking to fail - so... I also added the capability to run as a trigger function, so it has now been 100% success for my logging. The app script will create a trigger for each job required (i.e. pricing is one, yieldpct is another, etc.). It will also automatically ...

Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal

Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal November 25, 2022 at 01:26AM

Show HN: Have fun betting virtual (not real) money on predictions from HN users

Show HN: Have fun betting virtual (not real) money on predictions from HN users I wanted to see how difficult it would be to build a web app using a sub-$300 android smartphone. Decided to build a fun predictions website where you could bet virtual (not real) money on predictions made by others, and also make predictions of your own. Building it turned out to be considerably easier and more fun than I anticipated. Primary tools used were: # QuickEdit as the mobile code editor (Note: the free version of the QuickEdit app is riddled with ads, it shows an advert each time you close a tab, but it unfortunately had the best UI of the 3 or so Android code editors I tested. Ended up using NetGuard to block it from retrieving & displaying ads), # PHP for the Backend ( custom PHP microframework I've used and built on over the past few years ). # jQuery for the frontend js ( cringing ) - it appears I'm simply too lazy to learn React/Vue/et al. Every once in a while, I pick one of the...

Show HN: Automated Stair Lighting Project

Show HN: Automated Stair Lighting Project November 24, 2022 at 11:41AM

Show HN: Could you be a web designer?

Show HN: Could you be a web designer? I made a short quiz to test web/frontend design skills. Some of the questions require knowledge of trends, but most of them test the ability to notice small details in the design and css of the page. Hope you have fun with it! November 24, 2022 at 05:19AM

Show HN: OpenDolphin – A Community Built Open Source Social Network

Show HN: OpenDolphin – A Community Built Open Source Social Network Hey HN! I'm trying to create a community of people that are willing to contribute to the OpenDolphin project. The goal of the project is to build an Open Source _centralized_ social network that would ideally compete with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The main difference between the well established social and this one would be that it is going to be built and managed in the public, in the most transparent way possible. Features will be implemented and requested by the community - and generally speaking everything would be community-centric. If the project takes off, this might become one of the most transparent companies / projects out there. If you fancy joining us, come say "Hi" on our Slack instance, and help us shape the next social network! November 24, 2022 at 04:25AM

Show HN: I made a dead simple meta tags API

Show HN: I made a dead simple meta tags API November 24, 2022 at 02:17AM

Show HN: I've made bad Apple, but using HTML tables

Show HN: I've made bad Apple, but using HTML tables November 24, 2022 at 01:34AM

Show HN: Makeshift GPU tensor core using 64-bit CPU integer math

Show HN: Makeshift GPU tensor core using 64-bit CPU integer math November 24, 2022 at 12:23AM

Show HN: Vinyl: Relational Streams for Java

Show HN: Vinyl: Relational Streams for Java Vinyl extends Java Streams with relational operations. I wanted to try a different approach than what I'd found in the wild, to get at a solution that feels good. Vinyl offers type-safe access without type bloat. It offers an extremely expressive API without scores of opinionated methods to learn. It integrates with the Streams we already have, and plays nice with parallelism. If we can do it in SQL, we should be able to do it in Java. November 23, 2022 at 08:03AM

Show HN: Google Form filling made easy via QRCode

Show HN: Google Form filling made easy via QRCode Get tired of sharing the google form to email addresses one by one? Response Manager add-on makes the process easier by generating QRCode for the form and share that with your audience! November 23, 2022 at 07:39AM

Show HN: A robot that plays the Simon game

Show HN: A robot that plays the Simon game November 23, 2022 at 05:10AM

Show HN: `Curl`

Show HN: `Curl` November 23, 2022 at 02:18AM

Show HN: Visualising real-time Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts

Show HN: Visualising real-time Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts November 23, 2022 at 01:16AM

Show HN: Open Source Terminal Integrated Environment (Rust+Svelte)

Show HN: Open Source Terminal Integrated Environment (Rust+Svelte) November 22, 2022 at 01:07PM

Show HN: OKSolar: Improving Solarized using the OKLab perceptual colorspace

Show HN: OKSolar: Improving Solarized using the OKLab perceptual colorspace November 20, 2022 at 12:33AM

Show HN: Comparing Open Source Projects

Show HN: Comparing Open Source Projects We just pushed out which allows you to compare commit and contributor velocity for a group of OSS projects. November 22, 2022 at 06:08AM

Show HN: Wiretap – Transparent WireGuard proxy server without root

Show HN: Wiretap – Transparent WireGuard proxy server without root November 22, 2022 at 03:51AM

Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs

Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs November 22, 2022 at 01:45AM

Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers

Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers Here's something I've been working on to help employees find carpooling options with co-workers. With inflation & gas prices going up this seems like a really good thing to have going forward. Happy to have any feedback and I'll roll it back into the site. Thank you! This is a repost after 10 weeks up working on feedback from HN with updates and a website redesign [1]. I submitted this before and there was very good feedback about target audience, need to show benefits, etc. Basically, I had a website that looked like it was designed by a programmer. I'd spent 95% of the work on the backend systems and 5% on the website. I've tried to majorly improve the website with screenshots and demos now. [1] November 22, 2022 at 01:00AM

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta)

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta) Hello everyone! I left my job to start General Task a little over a year ago, and have been building a better free task manager with a small team. We aim to be the best place where one can find what’s next in their workday and we integrate with a number of different services to help do that. We’re still in the early stages of a beta, but so far you can: - Create/edit tasks with due dates, priorities, and folders - Drag tasks onto your calendar to block off time to do them (syncs with GCal) - Sync with Linear (JIRA coming soon) to see tasks assigned to you - Sync with Github to see your PRs - Integrate with Slack to make tasks directly from Slack What sets us apart? We know there are tons of task managers out there. We believe ours is different because it is tailor-made for engineers, with integrations for Github PRs, Linear and Slack. We also support dragging tasks onto your calendar, which is usually only found in premium ...

Show HN: Web3 is not community-led, as much as they try to claim they are

Show HN: Web3 is not community-led, as much as they try to claim they are November 21, 2022 at 08:45PM

Show HN: Open-source text-to-geolocation models

Show HN: Open-source text-to-geolocation models Yachay is an open-source community that works with the most accurate text-to-geolocation models on the market right now November 21, 2022 at 06:40PM

Show HN: Buzz, strongly typed scripting language written in Zig

Show HN: Buzz, strongly typed scripting language written in Zig November 21, 2022 at 01:59PM

Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library

Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library November 21, 2022 at 12:52AM

Show HN: Life Skills Program

Show HN: Life Skills Program Over a year ago, I purchased a small online business selling life skills curriculum to homeschool and special education families. The main asset was the library of 400+ lessons, each including a short video and PDF. The revenue appeared to reflect meaningful demand for such a program. At the time I purchased the business, the delivery mechanisms were pretty fragmented and browsing the lessons was all behind the paywall. Today I'm releasing a whole new website that brings (I hope) a more modern experience. Principally you can now browse all of the life skills library. I'm also hoping that this approach lends itself to better SEO as well. While this is pretty far from being able to sustain the family from an income perspective, it's been really neat to connect with families who are taking the initiative to raise capable young adults. November 20, 2022 at 06:40PM

Show HN: A Hacker News reader with the UX of YouTube Shorts

Show HN: A Hacker News reader with the UX of YouTube Shorts November 20, 2022 at 12:38PM

Show HN: ILLA is an Open-source alternative to Retool

Show HN: ILLA is an Open-source alternative to Retool November 20, 2022 at 09:00AM

Show HN: Hacker News Solarized Dark Theme for Stylus

Show HN: Hacker News Solarized Dark Theme for Stylus People are always asking for a dark theme, so here's my contribution. Enjoy! November 20, 2022 at 08:05AM

Show HN: Rust Ownership: Value and Reference

Show HN: Rust Ownership: Value and Reference November 20, 2022 at 06:52AM

Show HN: Flow – open-source ePub reader with VS Code style

Show HN: Flow – open-source ePub reader with VS Code style After more than half a year of work, I decided to open source it. Looking for a remote job by the way. November 20, 2022 at 06:08AM

Show HN: Verofile

Show HN: Verofile November 20, 2022 at 01:04AM

Show HN: Given two bios, get AI generated conversation starter suggestions

Show HN: Given two bios, get AI generated conversation starter suggestions November 19, 2022 at 07:28PM

Show HN: Generate certificates using an API and Figma templates

Show HN: Generate certificates using an API and Figma templates November 19, 2022 at 05:35PM

Show HN: Simple library for generating .wav file data in TypeScript

Show HN: Simple library for generating .wav file data in TypeScript November 19, 2022 at 05:27AM

Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool

Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool November 19, 2022 at 07:10AM

Show HN: Cujo's Curated SIDs

Show HN: Cujo's Curated SIDs I've listened to SID music on and off since the 80s, and mostly from early games and demos. Lately, I have explored more recent music. There are online lists of peoples favorite SID music, and online players, see [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. Because I have different tastes, I had the motivation to make my own list and UX. So from january 2020 to september 2022, I listened through the HVSC having over 50k songs, resulting in a list of 600-700 favorites. I put together a UX so I can easily access them. This project is mostly for my own enjoyment, but I guess that many others here would also enjoy it. Please let me know if you have suggestions for songs I should reconsider adding, or some feedback on the UX. [1] Show HN: Online SID-Player with spectrum viewer ( ) [2] High Voltage SID Collection – Commodore 64 music for the masses ( ) [3] Dial-a-Sid ( ) [4] The Sid Collection ( https://ift...

Show HN: I made a free transcription service powered by Whisper AI

Show HN: I made a free transcription service powered by Whisper AI November 19, 2022 at 02:03AM

Show HN: A minimal, keyboard centric Firefox theme

Show HN: A minimal, keyboard centric Firefox theme Hi, Tired with unneccacary clutter, and not that many options for minimal browsers, with the option of browsing without toolbars. I made this quick tweak. By now means a technical feat, but it does the job. Figured some of you might enjoy! November 19, 2022 at 12:38AM

Show HN: Cartwright – Automating detection of geographic and temporal features

Show HN: Cartwright – Automating detection of geographic and temporal features Cartwright is a data profiler that identifies and categorizes spatial and temporal features. Cartwright uses deep learning, natural language processing, and a variety of heuristics to determine whether a column in a dataset contains spatial or temporal information and, if so, what is specifically contained. Cartwright was built to automate complex data pipelines for heterogenous climate and geopolitical data that are generally oriented around geospatial and temporal features (think maps and time series). The challenge that Cartwright solves is automatically detecting those features so they can be parsed and normalized. This problem turns out to be quite tricky, but Cartwright makes it simple. November 17, 2022 at 07:22PM

Show HN: I'm building the Costco for apparel

Show HN: I'm building the Costco for apparel Hey there, I’m building Think of it as a Costco for apparel, pay a yearly membership and get the best prices on high quality clothes with no weird logos or designs. The apparel is typically sold at cost+10%(to cover handling and logistics) Site is almost finished, technically is fully operational meaning you can buy the membership right now and the orders will fulfill, but need to fix some factors(landing page, copy, favicon, etc.) Also make sure to check the FAQ page, will answer most questions. If there are other questions you think I should answer let me know Would love any feedback, be honest! Thanks. November 18, 2022 at 12:42AM

Show HN: A Search Engine for React Components

Show HN: A Search Engine for React Components I built this to help developers create UI faster. Just search for a component, make quick visual edits, then export the code. November 17, 2022 at 10:37PM

Show HN: A web extension to open multiple AWS console simultaneously

Show HN: A web extension to open multiple AWS console simultaneously November 17, 2022 at 05:10PM

Show HN: MERN stack on steroids for SaaS Boilerplate, rebuilt with Modern Tech

Show HN: MERN stack on steroids for SaaS Boilerplate, rebuilt with Modern Tech November 17, 2022 at 04:26PM

Show HN: Text editor with inline English-German dictionary

Show HN: Text editor with inline English-German dictionary Hi When you are learning a new language, you need to practice different skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing. I find writing to be the hardest activity, not least because I have to look up words in the dictionary all the time, and that is a frustrating context switch. Here is an experimental CodeMirror-based editor, that lets you look up translations inline. Type @ followed by the English word, and get a list of possible translations, and select the translation to apply it. Online demo: November 17, 2022 at 03:35PM

Show HN: We built a browser extension to show you secondhand alternatives

Show HN: We built a browser extension to show you secondhand alternatives November 17, 2022 at 03:31AM

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives Michael and Yury here – we're building a no-code analytics platform for growth teams that automatically generates actionable data insights. After working in the data space for many years, we realized there was still a huge gap in the marketing analytics market. Growth teams have so much marketing and advertising data, yet this siloed data is not actionable. The existing BI and search-driven analytics solutions are designed for data-savvy people. In our experience (previously built an NLP company called FriendlyData), non-technical people just don't know what questions to ask. So we decided to try a different approach: Narrative BI automatically generates a personalized feed of insights. You just need to connect your data sources (takes 2 min to set up), and you will get automated narratives, alerts, and reports in minutes. We currently support UA, GA4, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, but many more integrations ...

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr My friend and I made a fully featured gaming geoguessr - complete with 360 degree panoramas, movement, leaderboards, and multiplayer. We had made a Fortnite geoguessr a while back, and although this was well received, our goal always was to bring the worlds of all games to the browser. A much harder task considering the scale and scope of many open world games. We had to make a bunch of tools to be able to achieve this. World of Warcraft alone took us roughly 3,000,000 images to do (and will likely need another 1,000,000 for Dragonflight once it releases). We are finally at a point where we are happy to release this into the wild and let people try it, although we are still working hard on adding all the games that are listed as coming soon. If you're ever bored, and would like to test your gaming map knowledge - or would just like to explore the world in your browser akin to Google StreetView, you can check us out at https:/...

Show HN: European based endurance sports planning and analytics platform

Show HN: European based endurance sports planning and analytics platform I worked on this more then 2 years now. It's gaining more and more attention recently, so the database byte size is getting bigger and bigger. The stack is React, Node, MongoDB (replica set) with XFS on primary servers and ZFS on secondary servers for snapshots. Distributed with LXC/LXD containerization. November 16, 2022 at 06:00PM

Show HN: A simple, terminal game of liar's dice for human, computer and AI

Show HN: A simple, terminal game of liar's dice for human, computer and AI Play locally, play over websockets. A simple program to play against the computer, or with others over websocket. I need to improve the local computer agent (using some better probability theory), but I wonder if there is much AI research for liar's dice or dice based game I could implement. November 16, 2022 at 09:40AM

Show HN: A drop-in GDPR-safe Google-font replacement for GitHub pages

Show HN: A drop-in GDPR-safe Google-font replacement for GitHub pages November 16, 2022 at 03:32PM

Show HN: Manage your attention better with Mutter

Show HN: Manage your attention better with Mutter Dear HN Friends, PsyTech ( ) is a young & ambitious applied research startup focusing on information discovery, machine recommendations, and generative design. We apply psychological theory to human-computer interaction design to create new and improved user experiences. Mutter ( ) is the first product in our roadmap. We are building the simplest way to discover and share what you seek online. Help us in this journey by trying out our alpha and sharing your suggestions at Taking feature suggestions on behalf of our team :) Twishmay Founder, PsyTech November 16, 2022 at 03:07AM

Show HN: Paid job search? Are you nuts?”

Show HN: Paid job search? Are you nuts?” ^ That's what our team said to me initially but we think it's pretty chill now. We built a job search tool that uses investor software to help you discover the most exciting companies to work for right now. Free this week so that you guys can try it out before we hard launch next week (paywall is down). Feedback is our oxygen: What can we do better? Are you gonna give us money? Why do you hate the design? November 16, 2022 at 01:57AM

Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge

Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge November 16, 2022 at 12:12AM

Show HN: Kùzu: An Embeddable GDBMS like DuckDB/SQLite from UWaterloo

Show HN: Kùzu: An Embeddable GDBMS like DuckDB/SQLite from UWaterloo Hello HN! Today, we are pleased to publicly release Kùzu: a new embeddable graph database management system under a permissible license. You can see our blog post in the above link that gives an overview of the system and our goals/vision. The system is in its early stages but please try it out and give us your feedback, tell us your feature requests, and please report bugs! November 15, 2022 at 05:18PM

Show HN: Semantic Video Search

Show HN: Semantic Video Search Hi HN, I am Anubhav from Ramanlabs. We have been working on a native gui application to allow users to search any video data( mp4, mkv) or video streams (http/rtsp) using computer vision. Application is supposed to work like a video player which displays decoded frames and recognizes objects concurrently, making it an interactive experience. It works in super real-time and only expects a quad-core CPU with AVX2 instructions at minimum. Application is free to download (without any signup/account). We are only supporting WINDOWS for now [0]. Even though this is a binary application, we have ZERO telemetry/analytics builtin. User interface is limited for now, and definitely needs more work. But we are releasing it here for early feedback/bugs. We would love for you to try it out and hear your thoughts/feedback. [0] We should also have a linux version ready in few days. November 15, 2022 at 01:49PM

Show HN: Hexagon Pattern Generator

Show HN: Hexagon Pattern Generator Hello, I made a generator. It's 100% free. Customize with colors, filters, and transforms. November 15, 2022 at 12:18PM

Show HN: Use Slack Emoji on GitHub

Show HN: Use Slack Emoji on GitHub November 15, 2022 at 12:48AM

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read)

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read) Inspired by some awesome comments in: November 14, 2022 at 09:57PM

Show HN: Plugin to create new Mastodon Toot for all new WordPress posts

Show HN: Plugin to create new Mastodon Toot for all new WordPress posts November 14, 2022 at 08:43PM

Show HN: We built a bot to turn your voice messages into text

Show HN: We built a bot to turn your voice messages into text November 14, 2022 at 05:43PM

Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool

Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Retool November 14, 2022 at 03:50PM

Show HN: I created a site to make AI generated photos of your pet

Show HN: I created a site to make AI generated photos of your pet Hey HN, I have Goats and a camel as my pets and I recently saw some very cool AI-generated pictures so I decided to build a startup with my 19 y/o brother where you can generate these AI photos for your pet. I thought this could be a cool idea for crazy pet owners who want to create new memories with their pet or to get new photos of a deceased pet. Let me know if you have any feedback or questions! November 14, 2022 at 03:11PM

Show HN: 500 Letters – A fiendishly addictive word game

Show HN: 500 Letters – A fiendishly addictive word game November 14, 2022 at 10:56AM

Show HN: Enabling SSH Access Control Using GitHub Repo Permissions (No Key File)

Show HN: Enabling SSH Access Control Using GitHub Repo Permissions (No Key File) November 13, 2022 at 06:05PM

Show HN: Made an app that assess the daily economic situation using Bert

Show HN: Made an app that assess the daily economic situation using Bert Spoiler: is not too good, everytime something 'rises' it classifies it as a good news, even when is inflation or other similar things. November 13, 2022 at 05:54PM

Show HN: DiffusionDB – Stable Diffusion Tracker

Show HN: DiffusionDB – Stable Diffusion Tracker November 13, 2022 at 04:18PM

Show HN: Kira – a fast and scalable code execution engine

Show HN: Kira – a fast and scalable code execution engine Greeting HN, I would like to present my project I've been worked on the several months. I was always fascinated by code execution products like Codespaces or Leetcode. That's why I've created kira. It is a fast and scalable general purpose remote code execution engine. Currently, kira is in its early stage, and there is a lot of potential. I am constantly trying to work on this project and improve it. Security is critical for remote code execution. That's why, kira is running in a sandboxed environment and the code gets executed as a separated user. Additional security limits are applied to the user that runs the code, such as memory, or file size. Feel free, to give me feedback in any way! Thank you :) The main ideas for this project: * Fast and secure remote code execution engine that is scalable * Logging of the code executions * Test runner that executes custom unit tests (for building something like leetcode...

Show HN: Eleven – Free, open-source, Codespaces alternative with automatic HTTPS

Show HN: Eleven – Free, open-source, Codespaces alternative with automatic HTTPS Hey HN, Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create code sandboxes, in your cloud provider account, easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it as a remote development environment, to test some code or even to deploy your app. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as hell...

Show HN: Fed Up Inflation Game

Show HN: Fed Up Inflation Game Elixir/Phoenix LiveView Concept shamelessly stolen from Cookie Clicker. November 13, 2022 at 06:44AM

Show HN: IN MY TZ – Generate and share date-time links unique across timezones

Show HN: IN MY TZ – Generate and share date-time links unique across timezones If you want to let your audience or contacts, spread across different timezones, know when that show, match, webinar, or stream is, just generate a link and share it with them. When they visit the link, they'll see that time in their local time zone. This is a simple tool to address a small inconvenience. The page works on mobile browsers but has not been tested for accessibility, which will be done very soon. Please help me with your feedback to make this tool better. Thank! November 12, 2022 at 03:50PM

Show HN: Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL

Show HN: Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL Hi all, I made a video that at first sight is about a way to use REPLs to explore TikZ - and TikZ is a huge (La)TeX package for drawing graphics... At second sight that video is about a series of tricks for using REPLs in Emacs, and TikZ is just an excuse to present them. As far as I know those tricks are very unusual; they implement a kind of "meta-REPL" that controls other REPLs, and they do that in a way that is much simpler, and much easier to hack, than Org's code blocks and than the cells in Jupyter notebooks. The page has lots of screenshots and links, and it has instructions for downloading the video and its subtitles, and for reading the subtitles in plain text. I tried to make everything as accessible as possible for the people who just want to watch the the first two parts of the video - "Introduction" and "Trying it" - in super-high speed. I'm especially interested in pointers to...

Show HN: Wa-tunnel – HTTP Tunneling through Whatsapp

Show HN: Wa-tunnel – HTTP Tunneling through Whatsapp Side project tunneling a TCP port through WhatsApp, can be useful on airplanes or any WiFi/carrier that has unlimited social network data limits. Appreciate feedback :) November 12, 2022 at 04:47AM

Show HN: Everybody should create a practice repo

Show HN: Everybody should create a practice repo Hi everybody, I personally found the best way to motivate yourself to program everyday is by creating a practice repo and by uploading anything you code up that day into this repo. This is a great way to stay consistent seeing the bright green light up every time you push your code. It's very addicting and satisfying, and has definitely made me a better programmer over the past few months. November 12, 2022 at 04:56AM

Show HN: Visualization of Ghost Buses in Chicago

Show HN: Visualization of Ghost Buses in Chicago November 12, 2022 at 05:15AM

Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use

Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use November 12, 2022 at 02:33AM

Show HN: My paternity leave side project, a watercolor art generator

Show HN: My paternity leave side project, a watercolor art generator Hi HN - this is a little side project I threw together while on paternity leave (primarily developed with one arm while holding a sleeping baby in the other). Some implementation details: image processing is all done with headless GIMP (running inside a Docker container) through its built-in Python API. It's _very_ slow (about 50 seconds/image), and currently it processes exactly one image at a time. The website is built with NextJS; payments are processed by Stripe. I've had the best results with pictures of houses, although certain photos of people or nature can look neat, too. (For example: , original photo from .) The effect obscures the edges of the photo, so images with plenty of margin around the subject work best. Something I'd like to play around with is swapping the GIMP script for an AI-based process (maybe using something like Stable Diffusion?), wi...

Show HN: - Helping twitter ex-employees find a new team.

Show HN: - Helping twitter ex-employees find a new team. BirdsForHire is a site where Twitter ex-employees submit their information so that recruiters can reach out easily. I'm Yasu Flores and I built this site after watching all the Twitter changes unfold. It’s tough to not have a job and be under a Visa, ex-employees will have to move out of the US if they don’t find a new job in less than 60 days. My goal is to help the fired employees find a new team. I'll be personally verifying the profiles from the people that wish to submit their information, I’ll do my best to: -Make the verification process fast. -Keep profiles up to date for recruiters. November 11, 2022 at 07:57AM

Show HN: Full Fledged Image Editor in Browser

Show HN: Full Fledged Image Editor in Browser November 11, 2022 at 05:23AM

Show HN: Custom Keylabels for Your Custom Keyboard Layouts

Show HN: Custom Keylabels for Your Custom Keyboard Layouts Hey HN, This is a bit of a weekend project that I'm currently trying out. When I'm changing the layout of my moonlander, I wish there was a way to change the labels of the keys as well. So I thought about making some label stickers that sit over the key, and after some experimentation I'm pretty happy with the results, however I need a few other "keyboard buddies" to make it economical. So I'm introducing as a way for people to download the same template I used, and send it to me to get it printed out. I run in batches of 8 and while atm the prices are a little high, they can come down significantly if I get a few orders and verify the demand first. Let me know what you think and please feel free to send it to any people you know who have custom keyboards and layouts! November 11, 2022 at 05:48AM

Show HN: GitHub Org Audit Tool

Show HN: GitHub Org Audit Tool This is a tool for auditing github organizations including their repos, users, and teams. It is useful for compliance, security and auditing. November 11, 2022 at 03:58AM

Show HN: Onefetch – Command-line Git Information tool

Show HN: Onefetch – Command-line Git Information tool Onefetch is a command-line Git information tool written in Rust that displays project information and code statistics for a local Git repository directly to your terminal. The tool is completely offline - no network access is required. November 11, 2022 at 03:00AM

Show HN: Postcard – Easiest way to make a personal website

Show HN: Postcard – Easiest way to make a personal website November 10, 2022 at 08:18PM

Show HN: Hstream – quick Python web apps (Streamlit alternative using htmx)

Show HN: Hstream – quick Python web apps (Streamlit alternative using htmx) I love Streamlit but have run into many situation where taking it from PoC to MVP state is insurmountable. With all the recent HN hype around htmx and sematic html / classless css I decided to build a Streamlit alternative using these on top of FastAPI. This has a couple advantages: 1) easier to extend when you move past PoC since the FastAPI app is exposed (allowing adding more routes) and hstream acts more like a typical web stack 2) with htmx and html (plus MVP.css) doing the heavy lifting the package is alot less complex and easier to reason about - and hopefully more performant eventually 3) html is simple, so using this we can give the user much more control around the look and feel, while falling back onto MVP.css (classless css) sane defaults. Would love to hear people's thoughts. November 10, 2022 at 06:55PM

Show HN: Sliderm – A Dependency-Free JavaScript Slider

Show HN: Sliderm – A Dependency-Free JavaScript Slider November 10, 2022 at 11:22AM

Show HN: Practice for Your YC Interviews with Betafi

Show HN: Practice for Your YC Interviews with Betafi Hi folks, Betafi is a product feedback platform build around moderated user interviews and usability testing sessions. To help folks applying for the W23 batch with interviews coming up this week, we just launched a project templates feature and catered onboarding for fellow founders to practice and conduct mock YC interviews with each other. You can use Betafi's interview script feature, "instant tags," and timestamped notes to take turns annotating rough spots and practicing rapid-fire responses to questions with your cofounder(s), to try and make the most out of those 10 minutes during your real YC interview. A big part of the joy of building Betafi is getting to support other early-stage founders who wind up using our product in interesting and creative ways. This project came out of several teams applying to the W23 batch, who organically started using Betafi to help prepare for their interviews, so we thought we m...

Show HN: Shdoc generates docs for bash/zsh scripts with Awk

Show HN: Shdoc generates docs for bash/zsh scripts with Awk November 10, 2022 at 09:54AM

Show HN: OpenAI for Coda – AI right in your doc alongside your existing tools

Show HN: OpenAI for Coda – AI right in your doc alongside your existing tools Hi HN! I’m Spencer, a software engineer and creative technologist. I care about making tools that empower people’s creative agency, automate busy work, and imagine alternative futures. I work at Coda on the Pack ecosystem but built this in my spare time while tinkering on how to make AI more accessible. Over the past few months, I’ve been blown away by the capabilities the community has demonstrated with GPT-3 and DALL-E. But as mind expanding and powerful as they are, these possibilities have often required access to tools that are expensive, require in-depth technical expertise, or don’t integrate into your existing tools and workflows. I wanted to see how this power could be opened to everyone—not just engineers and AI enthusiasts—by bringing OpenAI into an endlessly customizable tool like Coda. So when OpenAI released its GPT-3 and DALL-E APIs, I set out to create an environment where anyone could leverag...

Show HN: Noticing and preventing network requests should be easy

Show HN: Noticing and preventing network requests should be easy November 10, 2022 at 03:45AM

Show HN: Generic dual-paradigm hooking mechanism

Show HN: Generic dual-paradigm hooking mechanism Hi HN ! I am Alex, a tech enthusiast, I'm excited to show you a major iteration of my library for performing hooking in Python. I redesigned the whole project because it didn't not cover all my needs. I'm happy with the current iteration that I've written tests for and look forward to spending weeks and months using it in my projects. Python has a concept called Decorator [1] which is a function that takes another function and extends the behavior. In the following script, the timeit decorator is used to measure the execution time of the heavy_computation function: import time from functools import wraps def timeit(text): def deco(target): @wraps(target) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # execute and measure the target run time start_time = time.perf_counter() result = target(*args, **kwargs) total_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time # print elapsed time print(text.format(total=total_time)) return result return wrapper r...

Show HN: Open-source load testing on AWS Lambda. With built-in cost reporting

Show HN: Open-source load testing on AWS Lambda. With built-in cost reporting Hiya HN! tldr: Artillery is an open-source load testing toolkit. It's cloud-native, i.e. you can scale out your test with AWS Lambda (other runtimes coming soon). There's no infra to set up or manage - you give Artillery an AWS account, and it takes care of the rest. We just released an update which includes cost reporting. Every time you run a load test, Artillery will show how much that cost in AWS Lambda fees. Blog post with a demo here: The demo shows a distributed load test running in us-east-1 at 100k+ RPS for about 10 minutes. Total cost is $1.23. We constantly hear from our users how cost is one of the biggest barriers to load testing more frequently. We're making cost much less of a factor with Artillery, and hoping that will unlock load testing at scale to more teams. Would love to hear what the biggest barriers are for you with load testing! Hassy & team Artil...

Show HN: Auto-file bugs to GitHub issues with console logs and network requests

Show HN: Auto-file bugs to GitHub issues with console logs and network requests Hi HN, my team and I have been working on a new tool to improve how bugs are reported to engineers. I used to be a developer, and I thought it was ridiculous the little amount of bug repro details I would get in JIRA tickets. Then I became a product manager, and I realized how time consuming and tedious it was to write good tickets for developers (and then understood why most tickets lack enough detail!) That’s why my team and I decided to build a browser extension for anyone to create bug reports that auto-include: console logs, network requests, session replay, timestamp, url, browser, OS and device specs, and wifi speed. With this extension, it’s faster than the old-school way to report bugs (a few clicks, plus no switching tabs). And, for the developer receiving the bug reports, it should be faster to debug because all the information is right there. We started with a Chrome extension and soon we’re goi...

Show HN: XFrame – Create your own multisearch page

Show HN: XFrame – Create your own multisearch page November 9, 2022 at 02:50PM

Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions

Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions Hi! I am looking for honest feedback on my next product. is a Chrome extension that adds a button on StackOverflow standard page to pay for an answer. You answer and get paid when the answer is accepted. I am selling it to Enterprises as an affordable, subscription-based, pay-as-you-go service. Let me know your thoughts. November 9, 2022 at 12:24PM

Show HN: Build a Better Software Developer Resume

Show HN: Build a Better Software Developer Resume After about 10 years as a developer, interviewing many devs, and reviewing hundreds of resumes I decided to write a guide that I wish I had when I was first starting out. Completely free (just enter $0 as price) If you find it helpful, would love it if you: - Leave a review - Share it with a friend who might also benefit! November 9, 2022 at 03:20AM

Show HN: Helping laid-off people find their next job

Show HN: Helping laid-off people find their next job November 8, 2022 at 08:42PM

Show HN: GPT3, stable-diffusion with templates in Obsidian

Show HN: GPT3, stable-diffusion with templates in Obsidian November 8, 2022 at 02:10PM

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser November 8, 2022 at 10:15AM

Show HN: Text-to-Figma

Show HN: Text-to-Figma Hey HN! I've made a NLUI for Figma. This is based on GPT-3 (for generating components & schemas) and Dall-E 2 (for image generation); it's remarkably flexible already and there's plenty of room to expand. One of the more noteworthy features is the ability to edit existing designs instead of just generating things from scratch - we accomplish this by training it on pairs of (before, after) designs in Figma with a description of what changed, and it learns to output the diff based on the description of the change. Let me know what you think! November 8, 2022 at 12:00AM

Show HN: AI Editor - Outpainting and image editing using Stable Diffusion

Show HN: AI Editor - Outpainting and image editing using Stable Diffusion November 7, 2022 at 03:45PM

Show HN: What you think of this Excel to database add-in? [Video]

Show HN: What you think of this Excel to database add-in? [Video] I have been developing easy way for non-IT people to upload data from Excel to database to be able to use the data in BI system and for example no-code app builders and similar. I'm interested to hear what people think of this solution? Add-in is not yet in any marketplace so I recorded video ( which shows how uploading, appending and overwriting data works. What you think? Could this be useful? November 7, 2022 at 07:24PM

Show HN: Picst – a Rust CLI tool to resize clipboard images on the fly

Show HN: Picst – a Rust CLI tool to resize clipboard images on the fly November 7, 2022 at 05:31PM

Show HN: A free keyword research tool using Search Suggestions and Autocomplete

Show HN: A free keyword research tool using Search Suggestions and Autocomplete November 7, 2022 at 12:26PM

Show HN: RxJS Insights – a toolset for RxJS visualization

Show HN: RxJS Insights – a toolset for RxJS visualization Hi HN! I'd like to present you the thing that I'm building - the RxJS Insights. It was primarily created as something that allows for debugging complex RxJS streams, but after showing it to a few people it turned out that it might be more helpful in learning RxJS since it can visualize the observables execution step by step. The setup is somewhat similar to the Redux Devtools' one in a sense that it requires an application level component (the proper @rxjs-insights/* packages) to instrument the RxJS and to connect with the devtools. I invite you to try it out in your app (the setup is rather easy) or on StackBlitz (all links are in the readme). Thanks! November 7, 2022 at 12:32PM

Show HN: Hacker News for Events

Show HN: Hacker News for Events is a Hacker News for events. Share tech and around tech events here. Who's hosting an event in your area this upcoming week? Share it here, let the community know. November 7, 2022 at 09:22AM

Show HN:

Show HN: TLDR: Click the link to see some cool visualizations, refresh a few times for random examples, and try editing some of the code yourself. This is a small weekend project of mine inspired by It's a static single-page site hosted on GitHub pages so the website design is pretty barebones. I'm not a web developer so I mainly wanted to create a Cool Thing with my free time and not have to learn tons of front-end to do it. I'd love to hear what people think about it and please post or send me any shaders you make! You can use the link button in the bottom right to share. I hope that this gets more people interested in shaders because GPU programming is a pretty different paradigm and learning it has made me a better software engineer even though my current job doesn't touch it. That said, textshader only runs normal Javascript on the CPU so think of it like a simplified sandbox and not the real thing. I'd highly recommend checking out...

Show HN: Financial Scraped Data

Show HN: Financial Scraped Data November 7, 2022 at 12:11AM

Show HN: Feep! search, an independent search engine for programmers

Show HN: Feep! search, an independent search engine for programmers November 6, 2022 at 07:55PM

Show HN: Clubhopr – My first indie project: 30 seconds for soccer/football fans

Show HN: Clubhopr – My first indie project: 30 seconds for soccer/football fans November 6, 2022 at 01:57PM

Show HN: OpenCrossword Suite - Make and share your own puzzles

Show HN: OpenCrossword Suite - Make and share your own puzzles November 6, 2022 at 06:49AM

Show HN: I built a Golang module to access and parse data from Wikipedia

Show HN: I built a Golang module to access and parse data from Wikipedia I was making a Python Wikipedia scapper for my system, then I realised Python is kinda slow so I moved my project to Go. The problem is there wasn't any module to easily access and parse data from Wikipedia in Go, so I made this module. Please enjoy playing with the module and send me your feedbacks. November 5, 2022 at 03:37PM

Show HN: Improving online discourse with transparent moderation

Show HN: Improving online discourse with transparent moderation Hi HN, this talk represents a summary of my work over the last four years on addressing shadow moderation with Reveddit. Let me know what you think, good or bad, and I'll do my best to answer. What is shadow moderation? It is any action taken against your content that you aren't told about and aren't able to detect while logged in. I focus on Reddit comments since every single removal is shadow removed— removed comments are shown to you as if they're not. You can try this for yourself on, Your content will be removed, you won't be told, and it will be shown to you as if it's publicly visible. November 5, 2022 at 02:43AM

Show HN: Reader Mode without the boring parts

Show HN: Reader Mode without the boring parts By boring I mean the text extraction that makes every website look the same and that sometimes fails. Arguably I've spent too many months on this detail, but in addition to the standard DOM iteration, Unclutter uses a CSSOM iteration, patching of mobile styles, CSS word blocklists, and crowdsourced element selectors. Plus an animation system to move text to its "uncluttered" position. Also interesting might be the article "library", a lightweight read-it-later list. It uses screenshots instead of titles & thumbnails, and drag & drop to move articles around. And there's an integration with Hacker News, where every top-level comment with an article quote in it automatically gets converted into an annotation. November 4, 2022 at 11:01PM

Show HN: Brace Lang – parse brace groups and evaluate them however you want

Show HN: Brace Lang – parse brace groups and evaluate them however you want November 4, 2022 at 11:16PM

Show HN: 980k USA restaurants and grocery stores search via Zipcode

Show HN: 980k USA restaurants and grocery stores search via Zipcode November 4, 2022 at 11:05PM

Show HN: I built a helper script for AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui

Show HN: I built a helper script for AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui In case you are into offline Stable Diffusion image generation, chances are high that you use the AUTOMATIC1111 version, as it is quite user friendly and constantly evolving. One thing it has is support for scripts. And I have built a script that eases finding the right look quite a bit. StylePile has 135 artist presets, 55 styles, 25 emotions. Insert keywords sequentially or randomly. Adjust influence of result types, artists and styles. See detailed progress information in prompt. Feedback welcome. November 4, 2022 at 05:53PM

Show HN: PostgreSQL Sessions in Vim

Show HN: PostgreSQL Sessions in Vim Really just a few lines of code to have a REPL-like experience with Vim and Postgres. November 3, 2022 at 02:55PM

Show HN: An Chrome extension that adds a Twitter verified badge to any profile

Show HN: An Chrome extension that adds a Twitter verified badge to any profile November 4, 2022 at 01:24AM

Show HN: Stop building, Start generating your internal tools all under 59 secs

Show HN: Stop building, Start generating your internal tools all under 59 secs November 4, 2022 at 12:38AM

Show HN: Eleven – Code sandboxes with automatic HTTPS

Show HN: Eleven – Code sandboxes with automatic HTTPS Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create code sandboxes in your cloud provider account easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it to deploy your app, as a remote development environment or even to test some code. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app on AWS: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as > Success! The ...

Show HN: Sprig, open-source game console & engine, by teenagers, for teenagers

Show HN: Sprig, open-source game console & engine, by teenagers, for teenagers November 3, 2022 at 05:34PM

Show HN: unsock: shim to automatically change AF_INET sockets to AF_UNIX, etc.

Show HN: unsock: shim to automatically change AF_INET sockets to AF_UNIX, etc. unsock is an LD_PRELOAD-able Linux library that converts AF_INET socket connections to AF_UNIX, AF_VSOCK, AF_TIPC, etc, helping reduce the dependency on TCP/UDP/IP for local communication. It even handles the painful "CONNECT" proxy dance on Firecracker AF_UNIX/AF_VSOCK multiplexing sockets for you. November 3, 2022 at 04:37PM

Show HN: Word Tower – A simple daily word puzzle

Show HN: Word Tower – A simple daily word puzzle November 3, 2022 at 12:17PM

Show HN: I wrote an eBook on Linux CLI tools and Shell Scripting

Show HN: I wrote an eBook on Linux CLI tools and Shell Scripting Hello! This ebook aims to teach Linux command line tools and Shell Scripting for beginner to intermediate level users. The main focus is towards managing your files and performing text processing tasks. Includes plenty of examples, exercises (200+) and solutions. To celebrate my latest ebook release, you can download PDF/EPUB versions of Computing from the Command Line for FREE till 08-Nov-2022: (the web version linked as the post url is always free) All books bundle (all my 13 programming ebooks) is $10 (normal price $28) - Visit for markdown source, example files, exercise solutions, sample chapters and other details related to the book. I would highly appreciate if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, Gumroad rating, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the boo...

Show HN: – simple, unmissable reminders via phone/text/email

Show HN: – simple, unmissable reminders via phone/text/email I built this app primarily for my wife, who has tried many mainstream todo-list apps (OmniFocus, Things, and Todoist come to mind) over the years with little success. She isn't particularly interested in setting up a productivity system and the administrivia that goes with it. Even having to remember to look at an app once a day was far from ideal for her. This app is an attempt at a solution for anyone that fits this description, with a focus on alerting over organization. Here's how it works: you create a nudge that's set to trigger at a given date and time, and the app phones you, texts you, or emails you (or all three) at the right moment. Nudges can trigger on a schedule, so something like "call me about monthly bills for the next month on the last day of every month" is quite easy to set up. It also works well (sample size 1, admittedly) as a supplement to a more robust GTD system. I use...

Show HN: Inhuman Time – change “3 days ago” to actual time on GitHub

Show HN: Inhuman Time – change “3 days ago” to actual time on GitHub November 3, 2022 at 07:04AM

Show HN: I used streaming to skip downloading my 45GB dataset

Show HN: I used streaming to skip downloading my 45GB dataset November 2, 2022 at 07:11PM

Show HN: Eleven – Code sandboxes with automatic HTTPS

Show HN: Eleven – Code sandboxes with automatic HTTPS Hey HN, Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create a code sandbox in your cloud provider account easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it to deploy your app, as a remote development environment or even to test some code. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as > Success! The...

Show HN: Time Travel for Billing Periods

Show HN: Time Travel for Billing Periods Hi HN, Lago (YC S21 = Open-source metering and usage-based billing) founder here. Billing cycles are often a source of engineering complexity and confusion, so we made billing periods flexible in Lago: - If you want to migrate existing customers to Lago, you can set a billing period in the past. - If you just signed a new contract that will start in two weeks, you can set a start date in the future Other elements of flexibility: - Switch from 'calendar' to 'anniversary billing periods' within Lago - Assign multiple plans to a customer, and meter and charge usage separately (e.g., if your pricing looks like Heroku, Shopify or Webflow, for instance) Documentation: Github: November 2, 2022 at 03:58PM

Show HN: Vectory, a tool for visually tracking and comparing embeddings

Show HN: Vectory, a tool for visually tracking and comparing embeddings November 2, 2022 at 12:24AM

Show HN: HiSHtory: Your shell history in context, synced, and queryable

Show HN: HiSHtory: Your shell history in context, synced, and queryable hiSHtory is a better shell history. It stores your shell history in context (what directory you ran the command it, whether it succeeded or failed, how long it took, etc). This is all stored locally and end-to-end encrypted for syncing to to all your other computers. All of this is easily queryable via Control-R and via the hishtory CLI. This means from your laptop, you can easily find that complex bash pipeline you wrote on your server, and see the context in which you ran it. November 2, 2022 at 02:13AM

Show HN: The Intersection Observer

Show HN: The Intersection Observer November 1, 2022 at 11:34PM

Show HN: Wrote a tiny WebAssembly (wat2wasm) compiler in Go

Show HN: Wrote a tiny WebAssembly (wat2wasm) compiler in Go As a personal project I wrote a really tiny Wat 2 Wasm compiler in Go. Mainly for demonstrative and educational purposes. It was tough: I didn't know anything about WebAssembly internals and I'm a newbie with Go... so I tried to document it as much as I could for anyone that would like to approach the quest in the future! It misses a lot of features (that will be gradually implemented). Any feedback is welcomed!! Demo: November 1, 2022 at 08:57PM

Show HN: Docker in the browser using x86-to-WASM recompilation

Show HN: Docker in the browser using x86-to-WASM recompilation November 1, 2022 at 08:54PM

Show HN: An open-source React framework(4.2K stars) for building CRUD apps

Show HN: An open-source React framework(4.2K stars) for building CRUD apps November 1, 2022 at 05:27PM

Show HN: I made an offline-ready hiking trail companion app

Show HN: I made an offline-ready hiking trail companion app November 1, 2022 at 04:55PM

Show HN: DIY Aeroponic Gardening

Show HN: DIY Aeroponic Gardening November 1, 2022 at 01:28PM

Show HN: I made a collection of 60 beautiful CSS checkboxes (click to copy)

Show HN: I made a collection of 60 beautiful CSS checkboxes (click to copy) November 1, 2022 at 12:02PM